Functional Nutrition and Testing

for Health Optimisation

Your body is talking to you. You just need to learn its language.
You need a guide and a clear path forward.
Let’s get your healing started.

About Sage Studio

Welcome to Sage Studio, run by founder Jo, a certified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner™ (FNTP) and Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP). At Sage Studio, I help you answer the most important question that is ignored with most health concerns;

“What is your body trying to tell you?”

Your body’s language might look or feel like this: 

  • Digestive issues

  • Anxiety, low mood, brain fog

  • Joint pain, stiffness, aches, and pains

  • Acne, skin rashes, eczema, psoriasis

  • Insane food cravings/ crash dieting

  • Fatigue

  • Frequent headaches

  • Weight loss resistance

These symptoms are how your incredible body communicates with you. I use functional nutrition and functional lab testing to help you decode the language of your body. Once we uncover the underlying root causes of imbalance or blocking factors in your body, you can change them … forever.

What is Functional Nutrition?

Functional nutrition is an approach to nutrition that focuses on assessing and addressing the underlying causes of health issues and then specifically and bio-individually tailoring the combined power of nutrient dense whole food, lifestyle changes and nutritional supplementation to support optimal health and wellness.

Functional Nutrition considers every individual’s diet, environment, lifestyle, and physiology as unique.

We work to identify imbalances or dysfunctions in the body's systems and use personalised diet and lifestyle changes, and nutritional supplements to restore balance and promote overall health and well-being.

The goal is to optimize physiological function for the long term.

What I offer

    • 3 x 1 hr Consultations

      (Initial Consult, Complete Microbiome Map (CMM) Review, Follow Up Consult)

    • 3 x Ion Foot Cleanse

    • Initial Consult covers
      A deep dive into your intake form, nutritional assessment questionnaire, health history, lifestyle, current diet and symptoms.

      Prioritising your health goals.

      Initial dietary and lifestyle recommendations

    • CMM Review covers:
      Full in-depth analysis of the CMM findings, highlighting your digestive capacity, pathogenic burden, nutrient absorption and commensal bacterial balance. 

      Clear customised protocol and wellness plan to target the root cause of your health issues, not just symptoms.

    • Follow up Consult covers
      Progress charting

      Recommendation tweaks.

      Guidance on next steps.

    • Want to get to the root cause of a health condition that is negatively effecting your quality of life.

    • Are motivated, a keen learner and want to be an active participant in your own health journey.

    • Want personal attention and a sage, supportive, clear-cut guide along the way.

    • Love data

Sage Start

Sage Support

    • A follow up consultation for existing clients, scheduled at your convenience for ongoing support, progress check in towards goals and/or support for acute or new symptoms.

    • 1 hr Consultation

    • 1 x Ion Foot Cleanse

    • Want continued support and guidance through next layers of your health journey.

    • Want to investigate more functional testing, such as Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis, Food Sensitivity Testing (ALCAT) and/or hormone testing (DUTCH testing).

    • Are newly symptomatic.

    • Want annual or bi-annual support for health optimisation

Functional Testing

All Functional Testing is additional and recommended to your unique personal health situation, as agreed with you. I DO NOT upcharge any labs, but instead pass on my wholesale practitioner costs directly to you.

  • This functional test is a window into your microbiome. Taken from a single stool sample, we can assess the current state of several digestive and immune markers as well as microbes that cause disease or that disrupt normal microbial balance, potentially contributing to your symptoms and/ or illness. It helps us understand the current state of your unique microbiome, how it is likely affecting your overall health, and how you can achieve a better balance between desirable and less desirable microorganisms in your gut. It screens for pathogenic bacteria, commensal bacteria, opportunistic pathogens, fungi, viruses, and parasites. This is my recommended starting functional test for many of my clients.

  • What works for someone else may not work for you. You can eat an extremely healthy diet and still have inflammation in your body. Cut out the guesswork as to which foods are creating friction in your body through an ALCAT test. Food sensitivities can lead to symptoms such as digestive disorders, fatigue, weight gain, headaches, joint pain, and skin conditions. Food sensitivities are difficult to identify because symptoms can be delayed up to 72 hours. The ALCAT® offers a useful tool for detecting the foods and chemicals causing these responses. The ALCAT® diagnostic system detects changes in the size and number of white blood cells (i.e. immune cells) in response to exposure to the offending foods and chemicals. A significant advantage of this system is that it uses whole and live blood, which contains all of the immune factors, cells and serum proteins that might be involved in an adverse reaction to a food or chemical. The results are client specific and provide an easy, precise and effective starting point for dietary and lifestyle manipulation. The ALCAT test usually contains eye opening data and can be truly life changing for many clients.

  • The Dried Urine Testing for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) test is an advanced test for reproductive sex and adrenal hormones for both men and women. It is more comprehensive than serum, saliva or 24-hour urine testing and easily collected with four dried urine samples on filter paper. Hormones measured include DHEA, Progesterone, Estrogen (3 forms), Testosterone, Cortisol, Cortisone, Melatonin as well as their metabolites, plus a marker for oxidative damage to DNA. Checking the metabolites and methylation of estrogens is important data for understanding how well you are clearing estrogens from your body.  Daily free cortisol patterns give insight regarding stress loading and cortisol response, as compared to normal diurnal patterns.

    This test is beneficial for people suffering from extreme fatigue, sleep or stress issues, fertility issues, PCOS, fibroids, PMS, irregular periods, painful periods, anxiety, mood issues and endometriosis. It provides a comprehensive picture of how adrenal and reproductive hormone imbalances may be contributing to these problems. This test can also be useful for effective monitoring of hormone replacement therapy.

  • Did you know that ‘normal’ blood lab ranges change every year to reflect the changing population averages? In other words, current day ‘normal’ ranges are often not optimal. Instead of using broad reference ranges based on statistical averages, a functional view of blood chemistry looks for subtle imbalances and potential health risks that can be contributing to your symptoms. This can provide valuable insight into your overall health before pathology is diagnosed.  Functional Blood Chemistry Analysis is a powerful and cost-effective screening tool that can help you achieve optimal health and prevent disease.

Detox Centre

  • A relaxing foot bath with detox benefits. A combination of water, sea salt and a chemical array separate water molecules into charged positive and negative (hydrogen and hydroxide) particles, which collect acidic, charged toxins from the body and pull them out of the body by osmosis (through a membrane from a low concentration to a high one).

    30 mins – $30

  • Infrared saunas help the body detox chemicals, toxins and heavy metals, by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic drainage. This effective detox process can help with weight management, clearer skin and even pain management. Your infrared sauna is used in conjunction with a toxin binder, electrolytes and finished with cold shower therapy (for immediate removal of toxins and to prevent reabsorption). The combination of heat and cold therapy has been shown to repair damaged proteins, reduce oxidative stress, support immunity, aid sleep quality, improve mood and overall sense of wellbeing. 

    30 mins – $70.

  • Until I was 42, I never thought about food. No really, it was never a focus for me. If I was hungry, I ate something. I wasn’t overweight or underweight. I didn’t have any health issues I knew about, and I didn’t have a clue about nutrients, macros, calories let alone metabolism or hormones. Then one day I woke up with acne. Not life altering, you might think, but having never previously had any skin issues at all, I was flummoxed. Then the insomnia started, sleeping only a couple of hours at most every 3 days, for YEARS. I lost a lot of weight, over 50% of my hair, had extreme anxiety, night sweats, brain fog, digestive issues, you name it I had it.

    During my 40’s I sought medical and health advice from over 30 practitioners. I asked for help from everywhere, from top USA endocrinologists through to faith healers and everything in between. I saw dermatologists, gynecologists, menopause specialists, psychiatrists, sleep doctors, did acupuncture, osteopathy, saw chiropractors, medical herbalists, did brain re-training and visited a hypnotist. Although I was formally diagnosed with low thyroid and two autoimmune diseases (pernicious anemia and androgenic alopecia) I was told that all other lab work was ‘normal’.  My symptoms worsened, I developed severe rheumatoid type pain and became extremely depressed.

    Throughout this period, I was convinced that food was somehow contributing to my symptoms, but doctors advised that my diet would have nothing to do with it. Regardless, I tried several gold standard elimination diets, but to no avail. As a final ditch effort, I agreed to a microbiome gut test and food sensitivities test as suggested by a nutritionist. Those results changed my view of nutrition forever. Turns out that although I thought I was eating ‘clean and healthy’, I wasn’t eating healthy for ME. Finding out that I had significant digestive imbalances, impacting my ability to absorb most of my ‘healthy diet’, was the start of my real healing journey. 

    Fast forward through years of retraining in functional nutrition, I’m enormously grateful for the significant positive health changes I’ve received from this approach. Now days, quality sleep is one of my greatest joys!

    Today I work in partnership with my clients in a way that I wished had been available to me. I will teach you to tune out the ‘nutrition noise’ and listen to the signs of your unique body. You will be guided, educated, involved, and encouraged along your path to healing. You will understand the root issues that have led to your symptoms, and you will learn to decipher what your body is telling you, so that you can respond with the correct nourishment for you at that time. Your body is your best teacher, and you will be supported to become its best student.

    I’m glad you’re here. Let’s get your healing started.

Hi I’m Jo,

    • Masters of Management Studies (MMS) – Victoria University

    • Bachelor Commerce and Administration (BCA) – Victoria University

    • Functional Nutritional Therapy Diploma (FNTP)

    • Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWS) Level 3

    • Certificate in Plant-Based Nutrition – eCornell University Centre for Nutrition Studies

    Several thousands of hours of continuing education with multiple specialists, professional and top thought leaders in the health and wellbeing space on the topics of digestion, gastrointestinal health, nutrition, immune health, detoxification, hormonal regulation, inflammation and more.

  • A Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner™ (FNTP) a paraprofessional certified by the Nutritional Therapy Association, Inc.® is trained to evaluate a client's nutritional needs, support normal function, and identify nutritional deficiencies. A Diploma qualified Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner is a title which ensures the practitioner has done significant Functional Nutritional Therapy hands on clinical work as part of their training and a minimum of 1200 contact hours.

    An FNTP is not trained to provide medical diagnosis, to prescribe or treat any medical or pathological condition, illness, injury or disease, and is not a replacement for a medical doctor.

  • A Restorative Wellness Practitioner (RWP) is trained to uncover the hidden imbalances that are hindering the body’s natural ability to heal. A RWP uses in-depth health history analysis, food journals, symptoms presentation and combines this information with advanced functional lab tests such as stool testing, food sensitivity testing, hormone testing, and comprehensive bloodwork, as necessary. This helps us establish specifically tailored dietary and lifestyle interventions to help you achieve your health goals and rediscover optimal well-being.

Client Testimonials